Title: If You Were Me and Lived in...Mexico
Series: If You Were Me and Lived In...
Author: Carole P. Roman
Genre: children's, non fiction, travel
Source: received from author for my honest opinion of it
Links To Buy: Amazon
Book Synopsis:
"If You Were Me and Lived in...Mexico - A Child's Introduction to World culture," is the first intry in this educationalseeries that takes children on a journey to our exciting neighbor to the south... Mexico!Perfect for children from Pre-K to age eight, this little book is a ground breaking new experience in exposing children to the joy of cultural differences.
Mom's Thoughts:
Happy Cinco de Mayo!!!! We just had a wonderful meal that was inspired by this Holiday and we each practiced our Spanish to each other! And to top it off, right before bed we are going to re-read If You Were Me and Lived In....Mexico.
You can really see the love that Mrs. Roman has for teaching while reading this book. It is written simple and yet still manages to capture the reader's interest, insisting you keep turning the page to find out more all about what children in Mexico do everyday.
It is easy to understand for your preschool children and still engages the minds of my soon to be fifth graders. Another thing I love about the way it is set up is the glossary at the back of the book. It tells you some of the Spanish words and gives their definition. This is great for us homeschooling moms who like to quiz our kids just to make sure they are paying attention.
The pictures are eye catching and really helps show the day to day activities in Mexico. I enjoyed this book very much and I think it is a great way to get kids into learning more about girls and boys in different countries. It really shows us how even though we speak a different language and live in different places, there is a lot we have in common.
**** When I was a child, I used to send off to get travel guides from all of the different states. Living in a small town in Georgia, I used to dream visiting all the places in the United States, then Canada, and finally going to Europe. Now that I think back on it, I believe I collected the travel guides because I loved reading about different places. This book just reminds me of that little tidbit of information from my childhood.
I would definitely give If You Were Me and Lived In...Mexico five hearts, five stars, and five smiley faces. You pick! But you most definitely should pick up Mrs. Roman's books. She loves children and you can see it in the way she writes such wonderful books whether it be kids sailing the high seas or a nonfiction book teaching you about other children in the world. You will not be disappointed in these stories.
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