Hi everybody! This is my first ever blog tour!! I am really excited that Mom (Read to My Heart's Content) had got us involved in this great blog tour. I want to say thank you to the author, H.B. Bolton, for sending us these books and signing them as well. Also, thanks to CBB Book Promotions for giving me this chance to be a part of this adventure!
So my mom wanted my brother, Conner, and me to read and review both books but Conner really got behind on the reading so I am the only one that will be sharing my thoughts here. Which I think that is completely okay because I get all of you to myself..bwahahahaha!
I hope you have fun here and remember to visit the other blogs on the tour. And you can jump over to my mom's blog and see her thoughts on both books too. And be sure to visit the Tour Page at Candace's Book Blog to see the schedule!
Title: The Serpent's Ring
Series: Relics of Mysticus-Book #1
Author: H.B. Bolton
* The Serpent's Ring is free for the Kindle between May 28-June 1st*
Book Summary:
Evan and Claire Jones are typical teenagers, forced to go with their parents to yet another boring museum ... that is, until something extraordinary happens to make their day a little more than interesting. After following a strange little creature into a closed exhibit, Evan and his older sister, Claire, discover the Serpent’s Ring, one of the magical relics formed from the shattered Mysticus Orb. Purely by accident, they have awakened its powers and opened a portal to Sagaas, land of ancient gods.
Before the siblings can comprehend what has happened, the Serpent’s Ring is wrenched from Evan’s hand by an enormous fish and flown back to Aegir, the Norse god of the sea. Evan and Claire, accompanied by a band of unlikely heroes, must retrieve the Serpent’s Ring before Aegir uses its immense powers to flood all the lands on Earth.
I really really enjoyed The Serpent's Ring, book 1 in the Relics of Mysticus series. It reminded me a lot of the Percy Jackson series, especially with the mythology that is mixed in with the story.
I also liked that the first book is based on characters from Norse mythology, instead of Greek or Roman. It seems like the Greek gods are more popular and used in a lot of books and I really liked learning about the Norse beliefs here instead.
The characters, Claire and Evan, are brother and sister. I don't have a sister but I do have three other brothers and we argue a lot (or at least Mom says we do); Claire and Evan remind me of the relationship I have with my brothers. They argue and pick on each other but when the other is in trouble, they are right there checking to make sure everything is okay.
Evan is super funny and I laughed a lot at some of his jokes throughout the story.
Besides these two, I also liked Dunkle, especially when he gets scared or nervous. Stinky! When I think of it, I believe Conner and Dunkle have a lot in common.
All of these characters go on a lot of adventures like visiting an island with giants, going to a place very similar to Atlantis, and trying to save the world.
I loved the creativity the author shows with the different names of the food in Sagaas , as well as the powers Claire and Evan receive while on the journey.
There is a little romance but nothing too bad, thank goodness.
I think The Serpent's Ring is a great book for anyone 9 years and up.
I give it five stars! *****
The only thing that would make this book better is if it had its own movie to go with it!!
Title: The Trickster's Totem
Series: Relics of Mysticus book 2
Author: H.B. Bolton
Book Summary:
Life has returned to normal for fourteen-year-old Evan and his older sister, Claire. That is until Dunkle, a clever but stinky little imp, pays an unexpected visit to their school. He has come to take the siblings back to Sagaas, the mythical realm of the gods. Once again, a Relic from the ancient Mysticus Orb has fallen into the wrong hands. Only Evan and Claire, with their unique mystical abilities, can help find it.
Through the power of the Trickster’s Totem, a coyote trickster has escaped. His laughter echoes throughout the realm, as he spreads mischief and mayhem. He burns an entire crop of popcorn, carves his grinning image into sacred artifacts, and things really get interesting when he shape-shifts into Evan’s friends.
Claire and Evan must capture the Trickster, retrieve the Totem, and be careful not to become sidetracked by robotic Steampunk animals, “sweet” pixie-like Pains, and a problematic mermaid … all while dodging Mothman-like aces. Most surprising, Evan discovers the true reason dragons exist in the Native American Spirit World.
Book Links:
Anthony's Thoughts (9 years old)
I liked The Trickster's Totem too! I haven't learned much about the Native American mythology so reading this book was a little like doing school, but I swear it was fun too! There is adventure, though I didn't feel like there was as much as there was in The Serpent's Ring. Claire and Evan do gain more powers and learn something about themselves too in this book.
I liked that Evan used his magic for good in the real world, even if he wasn't supposed to. He did some funny things with it to the bullies in school.
There are some interesting creatures in this world too. I like how the author named the fairies "Pains" and it is really funny when Evan eats too much fairie food. Let's just say he loves to play jokes on people. Sometimes, though he does go to far and I think Evan could learn to be serious at the right times.
We still see Dunkle in the story but no one else from the first book is in this one. Claire finds someone else to giggle at (Mom says I will understand this more when I get older...but I don't think I will ever like a girl giggling all the time) and Evan is bothered by a mermaid who likes to meddle in everyone's business.
The Trickster's Totem is pretty good and it really teaches us about the Native American beliefs too. I liked it even though it seemed like it moved a little slow for me at times. Also, some of the disasters Mica creates are kinda of funny but I can still see the bad in them too.
I give Trickster's Totem:
About H.B. Bolton:

Author Bio:
A magical part of H.B. Bolton’s childhood was being swept into worlds of enchanting characters, fantastical creatures and extraordinary powers—simply by picking up a book. As a mother and a teacher, she was compelled to create imaginary worlds of her own in order to share them, not just with her children, but with all children. H.B. Bolton lives in Florida with her supportive husband and two highly spirited children. Shh, can you keep a secret? Not only does she write books for the young-at-heart, adventurous sort who yearn to dive into a good young-adult fantasy story, she also writes spellbinding, heart pounding women's fiction. These particular books are written under the name Barbara Brooke, but that's another story, altogether.
Books by H.B.
The Serpent's Ring (Relics of Mysticus, Book One)
Breaking Down (a short story)
Hungry (a short story)
ComingMay 1, 2013
The Trickster's Totem (Relics of Mysticus, Book Two)
Author links:Breaking Down (a short story)
Hungry (a short story)
The Trickster's Totem (Relics of Mysticus, Book Two)
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Pinterest | Amazon Author's Link
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You're reviews cracked me up. You're a funny guy, Anthony. You should seriously think about writing a story :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the reviews. And I agree with your mom, one day you won't mind when girls giggle and go gooey eyed around you.
Oh Anthony, I love your reviews! And I agree with H.B. Bolton, you're a funny guy, you made the reviews entertaining to read!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you enjoyed the books so much, I think a lot of boys would like them so tell your friends!
Thanks for hosting a stop on the blog tour!