Title: Alphabet Anatomy: Meet The Capital Letters
Author: Linda Ann Jones, Branson Jones
Illustrators: Branson Jones, Toby Mikle
Publisher: Friesen Press
Date of Publication: August 27, 2012
Source: paperback, 32 pages, received from Author
Get Your Own Copy: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Jacey Thoughts (4 years old )
I laughed at the cover of the book. I loved the "S" and that it was a snake. My brother loves snakes so I knew he could really like this book too. I loved all the colors and different pictures for each capital letter. MY favorites were "O" and "J", especially since my name starts with J.
Right now my mom and I are working on learning the different sounds and how to write the letters in the alphabet so this book was a fun helping tool for me. If you are learning your ABC's then you should pick this book up for you next time you want to get to know the Capital Letters.
Mom's Thoughts:
I remember back long ago when I was in first grade and there was this poster that hung on the wall in my classroom. I used to love to stare at that poster and make up different stories about it each day. What was the poster you asked? It was the letters of the alphabet made to look like people. I loved it! I still think back to it and know that it was a very helpful for me to become as enthralled with learning as I am even now.
This book brings back those wonderful memories and helps establish that same attitude with my kids as I had when I was younger. It is so much fun to personify objects ( in this case the basis for our language) into lovable characters we can relate to and laugh at; but most importantly enjoy and learn from.
If the illustrations weren't enough, this book also has rhyming. And I am a firm believer in the fact it is easier to learn anything as long as it is in a enjoyable rhyme.
The only gripe I had was some of the words were a little hard to understand from a child's standpoint. Deft, gait, and some other words that may have been a little advanced for my four year old. (Actually, my older kids asked what deft meant too) This isn't necessarily a bad thing; I just mention it because my children asked what these words mean.
Other than that we loved the book and are looking forward to Meeting the Lower Case Letters when that book comes out. We give it four stars!!!
Special Guest Reviewer: Nana's Thoughts:
My grandchild, Jace, couldn't wait to let me see the book he received in the mail for him to review. I have been working with him trying to get him to love the alphabet as much as his older brothers do. He has been a real working progress since he tends to want to do what he only wants to do. But I noticed he was genuinely excited about reading this book with me and his mom. He loved the way "J" was described and kept adding that "Jace" also starts with the letter J.
I really really liked the illustrations in this book. I enjoyed the fresh new look at the alphabet and the way the letters' descriptions pertained to how they were written as well as a look into their "lives". I think I chuckled at B:
I did notice there were a few words the older grandchildren asked what the meaning was but Jace was too mesmerized by the pictures to worry too much about the words he didn't understand. Perhaps, the author added these words so this book could be used in the later grades because it still offers a learning experience, even after you learn your ABCs. I enjoyed it too and I would like to give it four stars too.
Author: Linda Ann Jones, Branson Jones
Illustrators: Branson Jones, Toby Mikle
Publisher: Friesen Press
Date of Publication: August 27, 2012
Source: paperback, 32 pages, received from Author
Get Your Own Copy: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
From Goodreads:
Alphabet Anatomy's innovative rhyming verses and unique illustrations instruct on letter sound, recognition, AND how to write the letter, thus its anatomy. Thoroughly entertaining, each letter's heartwarming personality and characteristics will engage and delight children as they discover what the letters do behind the scenes when they're not busy making words. The letters know that the journey to reading is inherently complex, and mastery of these essential skills is absolutely vital for future success. In Alphabet Anatomy, the letters love to share their lives, and their highest aspiration is that each child who meets them will embrace this wondrous journey, and develop a life-long love for not only reading but writing as well. Alphabet Anatomy teaches full understanding of the alphabet, that is, the four inter-connected components: 1. Letter shape knowledge or recognition; 2. Letter name knowledge; 3. Letter sound knowledge; 4. Letter writing ability. In addition, Alphabet Anatomy utilizes the four core elements which extensive research has proven effectively teach reading and provide a solid and effective foundation for proficient reading in later years: 1. Phonological awareness; 2. Letter identification; 3. Vocabulary development; 4. Recall and retell sentences and stories. Soon to come: Meet The Lower Case Letters
Jacey Thoughts (4 years old )
I laughed at the cover of the book. I loved the "S" and that it was a snake. My brother loves snakes so I knew he could really like this book too. I loved all the colors and different pictures for each capital letter. MY favorites were "O" and "J", especially since my name starts with J.
Right now my mom and I are working on learning the different sounds and how to write the letters in the alphabet so this book was a fun helping tool for me. If you are learning your ABC's then you should pick this book up for you next time you want to get to know the Capital Letters.
Mom's Thoughts:
I remember back long ago when I was in first grade and there was this poster that hung on the wall in my classroom. I used to love to stare at that poster and make up different stories about it each day. What was the poster you asked? It was the letters of the alphabet made to look like people. I loved it! I still think back to it and know that it was a very helpful for me to become as enthralled with learning as I am even now.
This book brings back those wonderful memories and helps establish that same attitude with my kids as I had when I was younger. It is so much fun to personify objects ( in this case the basis for our language) into lovable characters we can relate to and laugh at; but most importantly enjoy and learn from.
If the illustrations weren't enough, this book also has rhyming. And I am a firm believer in the fact it is easier to learn anything as long as it is in a enjoyable rhyme.
The only gripe I had was some of the words were a little hard to understand from a child's standpoint. Deft, gait, and some other words that may have been a little advanced for my four year old. (Actually, my older kids asked what deft meant too) This isn't necessarily a bad thing; I just mention it because my children asked what these words mean.
Other than that we loved the book and are looking forward to Meeting the Lower Case Letters when that book comes out. We give it four stars!!!
Special Guest Reviewer: Nana's Thoughts:
My grandchild, Jace, couldn't wait to let me see the book he received in the mail for him to review. I have been working with him trying to get him to love the alphabet as much as his older brothers do. He has been a real working progress since he tends to want to do what he only wants to do. But I noticed he was genuinely excited about reading this book with me and his mom. He loved the way "J" was described and kept adding that "Jace" also starts with the letter J.
I really really liked the illustrations in this book. I enjoyed the fresh new look at the alphabet and the way the letters' descriptions pertained to how they were written as well as a look into their "lives". I think I chuckled at B:
" He's 2 bellies fat, from eating big burgers all day as he sat."I also liked how they used different words as well as old reliable words for the guides for the letters. For example, you had A is for apples but instead of D being for dog it was for dive. It worked with the description and explained how to write D.
I did notice there were a few words the older grandchildren asked what the meaning was but Jace was too mesmerized by the pictures to worry too much about the words he didn't understand. Perhaps, the author added these words so this book could be used in the later grades because it still offers a learning experience, even after you learn your ABCs. I enjoyed it too and I would like to give it four stars too.