Friday, August 31, 2012

Another exciting MG Greek Mythology book!!!

We are super excited to announce that another wonderful book about Greek Mythology has come out for younger kids like ourselves!

It is called  Heroes in Training: Zeus and the Thunderbolt of Doom by Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams.  Take a look at the book blurb for it below:

 After pulling a magical thunderbolt from a stone, ten-year-old Zeus goes on the adventure of a lifetime in this thrilling start to a brand-new series! The terrible Titans--merciless giants who enjoy snacking on humans--have dominated the earth and put the world into chaos. But their rule is about to be put to the test as a group of young Olympians discover their powers and prepare to righteously rule the universe....
     Ten-year-old Zeus is mystified (and super-annoyed) by the fact that he keeps getting hit by lightening. Every. Single. Year. He also longs for adventure, as he has never been far from the cave where he grew up.

     Zeus gets his wish--and a lot more than he bargained for--when he is kidnapped by dangerous, giant Titans! In self-defense, he grabs the first thing he sees--an actual thunderbolt he pulls from a stone that is covered in mysterious markings. Zeus is the only one who can decipher the markings, and sets off on a quest to rescue his youthful fellow Olympians from the evil Cronus. Armed with his trusty thunderbolt (named Bolt, of course), Zeus is on an adventure of a lifetime--and a journey to fulfill his destiny as King of the Gods.

We can't wait to get our hands on this!!!


  1. Hi Guys,

    I just stumbled upon your blog and I'm now following you via email so I can keep up with your posts. I'm visiting from Mother Daughter Book Reviews and I love that you guys are doing something quite similar to us - giving Mom and kid opinions about books. We've been loving doing this together. I hope you guys are enjoying it too!

    Glad we connected! Cheers, Renee

  2. I'll have to check this one out. My eleven-year-old son is really enjoying the Percy Jackson books, so this would be right up his alley.
