Saturday, June 1, 2013

Book Review: Scar and the Wolf: The Plainfield Chronicles by Plainfield Press

Title: Scar and the Wolf
Author: Plainfield Press
Series: The Plainfield Chronicles
Publisher/Publication: Plainfield Press/ Jan. 23, 2013
Source: picked up an e book copy for free and received from authors for honest review.

From Amazon:

Scarlet Bone is a zombie girl with one big problem.
It’s not that she’s missing a nose (zombie parts go missing all the time). It’s not that she’s turning 13 today and her parents just gave her a massive chore to do. It’s not even the stray arm she found in the street -- the one that’s giving her so much trouble. No, Scarlet’s problem is that she’s about to end up on the wrong side of a wolf: the inside.
Welcome to the strange, yet strangely familiar world of the Plainfield Chronicles. In The Plainfield Chronicles: Scar and the Wolf, the series’ debut novel, you’ll find a story you recognize, but one you've never read before.
A girl's parents tell her she needs to take a special package to Grandmother's house, deep in the woods. She puts on her red riding hood and sets out, alone. She encounters a wolf, and reveals to him what she's doing and where she's headed. She gets distracted on her journey and arrives late to Grandma's. Too late. Grandma? Is that you? Something seems amiss.
What big ears you have.What big eyes you have.What big teeth you have.

Scar and the Wolf is the Little Red Riding Hood for our time — one with zombies, music, and lost body parts just trying to find their way home.

As of right now Scar and the Wolf is free for the Kindle.

Mom's Thoughts:
I loved this modern day re telling of Little Red Riding Hood!  Scarlet is an unique and very interesting little girl that I really enjoyed reading about as well as reading to my sons about too. 
My four year loves zombies (not sure why since he has never watched anything with zombies  in it) and the older boys don't really care either way about them.  
After I read the book, I just knew I had to read it to the boys out loud.  The chapters are fun and not too long at all, so younger children can really enjoy the book without getting bored with it.  Also, there isn't really anything bloody or gory in the plot line so it is great for younger kids too.  
I loved all the little rules that Scarlet's mom and dad tell her to do so she can become a more grown up zombie.  That is a great way to teach your kids that following the rules makes all the difference in the world.  {Of course, I guess I couldn't say the wolf would eat their grandma though}  
All in all, this is a great little story with a wonderful lead character that has so much to offer if she can stop long enough to realize its okay to be different.  I think this story is great for boys, girls, moms, dads, and the age group 6 + {of course this depends on your child.  I have a four year old that believes he is a ninja and is always battling the "bad guys" so he was able to handle this just fine.} 
One more thing: there were some parts that the boys liked to call "booger" parts.  This means that there were some gross parts in it.  Not gross gross; but funny gross.  I know it is confusing but I have learned living with boys there is a difference.  And yes, I did laugh at it too.
I can't wait to read the next book and find out more about the other interesting characters as well as see what else happens to Scarlet, the surfing Grandma, and the rest of the funny little zombies.  
Plus I swear Scarlet is the cutest little zombie I have ever seen!  Don't your think so?  

Jacey (4 years old)
My mommy read this to me every night.  There wasn't a lot of pictures but I thought the story was pretty funny.  I liked the beetle box and when she cleaned out her nose holes.  That was gross and me and all my brothers said, "EWWW!" at the same time.  It was pretty funny.  
My dad likes to read the Walking Dead comic book but I am not allowed to look at that at all but I like Scar and the Wolf.  Its like zombies for me.  My dad read a chapter to me and told me now I have my own zombie book too.  I like that a lot.  
I also thought Scarlet's Grandma was really cool.  My grandma is cool like that too. She doesn't surf, though, but she does do a lot of other things like rafting.  All I know about rafting is there is a boat and lots of water and it is rough.  
But I think everyone should read this book because it is really funny and the titles of the chapters are cool.  

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Links to Buy:
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*Scar and the Wolf is our choice for the Kid Lit Blog Hop!  If you are interested in this please visit Mother Daughter Book Reviews to find out how you can participate in this awesome hop for Kid Literature!