Title: The Lonely Christmas Tree
Author: Brent A. Marthaller
Publisher: Tate Publishing
Length: 24 pages
Genre: Children's, Inspirational, Motivational, Spiritual
Source: Sage's Blog Tours / author
Book Synopsis:
The Lonely Christmas Tree is
born with a purpose to be cherished by someone at Christmas. When the tree is
the last one remaining in the lot, the tree starts to believe that all hope is
lost. A bright light comes along restoring faith in dreams and
encourages the spirit to persevere. The tree is small and limp but has the
spirit to find love and acceptance. This story demonstrates that all of us have
that spark within us to find what we long for. Persistence and fortitude can
lead us out of despair to the light that shines for all of us.
Mom's Thoughts:
This is such a sweet little book! It is so full of heart and Christmas spirit that I had to read it a few times to the kids because of the beauty it held. Just looking at the lonely tree he isn't much to look at but wow! He is just so full of the holiday spirit it makes you realize that is what is important; not the outside but what's on the inside.
The Lonely Christmas Tree has a great message for kids and adults alike to learn and it was such an enjoyable read for my children as well as me! Five Stars!! *****
Jace's Thoughts:
I really like the colors! I love all the colors of the rainbow but blue and green have a special place too. I really liked how each page had snow coming down. My favorite part was when the little boy carries the lonely tree like a baby all the way home to the other kids too. He carries it so gently that you can tell the little boy really loves that tree. Five Stars!!! *****
Mikey's Thoughts:
I really liked the pictures and I loved the rhyming too! Whenever I hear stories that rhyme it makes me think it is like a song and I just want to sing it.
I felt so bad for the little tree but I thought he was beautiful just the way he is! I didn't like the other really big trees and I thought he was the perfect size. I know my family and I would have been happy with him. My favorite part was when the children decorated the lonely Christmas Tree and made it even more happy and beautiful. The children were happy and smiling enjoying each other's company, even though they didn't have any presents. They didn't need any because they had the love and Christmas spirit and that was enough.
I give it five stars! *****
Author Bio:
Brent Marthaller lives in West
Fargo, ND, and has written music and lyrics since 1978. During the 1980’s and
1990’s he was a member of several bands which performed throughout the area and
at local venues. While those days of performing are in the past, he continues
to write whenever he can. He also enjoys introducing his grandchildren to all
varieties of music.
Purchase Links:
Tate Publishing:
Barnes & Noble
Exclusive Hardcover versions
may be purchased for $11.99 directly from the author website!