Title: Upside Down
Series: A Vampire Tale
Author: Jess Smart Smiley
Publisher: Top Shelf Productions
Expected Date of Publication: October 16, 2012
Format: hardcover, 144 pages
Source: eARC from publisher via Net Galley for honest opinion of it.
Harold is a friendly young vampire - but he loves candy so much, the dentist might have to pull his teeth! Now, what if he and the dentist, plus a couple friendly bats, all get caught up in the evil plots of the local witch? It's a wild magical romp for all ages, just in time for Halloween!
-Goodreads summary
Mom's Thoughts:
I was really hoping that this would be a great friendly vampire story kids to enjoy for Halloween. Harold was friendly indeed, but he fell a little flat for me as a character. The book is set up in comic book style, which seemed to be good idea for the older kids but unfortunately, the plot just couldn't keep our interest piqued.
From a mom's perspective, I understand the moral hidden among the funny images and story line and I couldn't agree more with it. But the delivery of it just couldn't be carried through enough for my kids to take anything away from reading this.
I also would have liked a little more variety of colors instead of the dull monotone of green and black throughout the novel.
Even though this wasn't something that could keep us entertained; if you like funny vampires, a mean witch, and the dentist, this unlikely combination might just be what you are looking for.
We gave it 2 stars.
You can pre-order your copy at:
Barnes and Noble
Series: A Vampire Tale
Author: Jess Smart Smiley
Publisher: Top Shelf Productions
Expected Date of Publication: October 16, 2012
Format: hardcover, 144 pages
Source: eARC from publisher via Net Galley for honest opinion of it.
Harold is a friendly young vampire - but he loves candy so much, the dentist might have to pull his teeth! Now, what if he and the dentist, plus a couple friendly bats, all get caught up in the evil plots of the local witch? It's a wild magical romp for all ages, just in time for Halloween!
-Goodreads summary
Mom's Thoughts:
I was really hoping that this would be a great friendly vampire story kids to enjoy for Halloween. Harold was friendly indeed, but he fell a little flat for me as a character. The book is set up in comic book style, which seemed to be good idea for the older kids but unfortunately, the plot just couldn't keep our interest piqued.
From a mom's perspective, I understand the moral hidden among the funny images and story line and I couldn't agree more with it. But the delivery of it just couldn't be carried through enough for my kids to take anything away from reading this.
I also would have liked a little more variety of colors instead of the dull monotone of green and black throughout the novel.
Even though this wasn't something that could keep us entertained; if you like funny vampires, a mean witch, and the dentist, this unlikely combination might just be what you are looking for.
We gave it 2 stars.
You can pre-order your copy at:
Barnes and Noble