Sunday, May 27, 2012

Michael and Jacey's Take on I Love You So Much by Sharlene Alexander

Title:  I Love You So Much
Author:  by Sharlene Alexander
Published: April 2012
Format we have: Kindle

Michael and Jacey's thoughts on this book:

Michael:  I really liked this book.  I especially liked all the ways the mom tells the babies they love them.  The pictures were pretty cool but my favorite part was the picture games at the end.  We sat and found the hidden objects in the different pictures.  
I did wish it was a little longer because it was pretty short but I think my baby brother, Jacey was okay with that.  

Jacey:  I had two favorite parts in the story.  First, I love doggies!  And I liked the mommy dog telling her puppy how much she loved it.  The second part that was my favorite is the games at the end.  I like playing Look and Finds with my brother, Mikey.  

We give it four smiley faces!